2 min readJan 12, 2021


Let’s see how the base storyline in the art of Stalin’s time. We can not stand is not pay attention to principles in which based all art. We can divide heroes into positive and negative. These feelings can not leave us all the time. Readers have a possibility for a mixed attitude of Ganotsiy. What is the reason for kind? Seems to be kind or search roots cause of what is made human to sin. For example. Nevertheless, he was beaten by Max Ludaed he tries to help him. If it is gloating. But he believes that he would be free.


It is hard not to say that on the first view absolutely the devil makes justice. In some time you come to the conclusion that in this case when doesn’t want to live according to peaceful rules because it doesn’t work it’s the only one device for keeping balance. Moreover, it gives an opportunity to express and saving


Margarita is a woman with not bad lifestyle, but it had become a domestic assault. She wants adventure. According to A. Varlamov “maybe it’s a symbol of Russian fate”. One of the allusions it’s the new world of Master. In the text of the novel describe there all year round bloom cherry. But this story starts in spring. They are having a calm. It’s similar to “Little Zaches”. It means calm which worse than the most hard-work. Master’s role is real-life of Bulgakov. Interesting fact, Bulgakov died on Sunday of Forgiveness. A lot of argues for this novel. One of them is the novel like an evangel for Stalin. In which character was presented Stalin. Indeed, it doesn’t matter.

While this writing doesn’t know calm it is alive like a Russian soul.

